Marsangap P. Tamba , Independent Commissioner
Marsangap P. Tamba joins PT Principal Asset Management as Independent Commissioner on 29 July 2024. He had more than 28 years of experience in asset management, investment, insurance, and finance industries. His recent tenure was at BRI Manajer Investasi (previously Danareksa Investment Management) from 2015-2023, with his last position as President Director. At BRI Manajer Investasi, he has created several product innovations and acquired well-known awards.
Prior to that, his tenure includes several senior and strategic positions at Sun Life Financial Indonesia, Manulife Asset Management Indonesia, Prudential Life Assurance Indonesia and DBS Vickers Securities Indonesia. He is also the Head of Asosiasi Pelaku Reksa Dana dan Investasi di Indonesia (APRDI) and Head of Perkumpulan Wakil Manajer Investasi Indonesia (PWMII) since 2022, and Committee Member of PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI) since 2023.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Accounting from University of Indonesia and Master of Finance from University of Houston in Texas, WMI license from OJK.