Iggi H. Achsien , Syariah Advisory Board
Iggi H. Achsien has joined Syariah Advisory Board of PT Principal Asset Management since September 2013. He is the member of Indonesia Vice President's Expert Staff. He has the experience in investment banking, fund management, insurance, and Syariah banking for more than 20 years. Since 2021, he became the Independent Commissioner of PT Pertamina (Persero). He also became the Head of Capital Market in National Syariah Board of Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN Ketua Bidang Pasar Modal di Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN MUI) since 2015 and became the Secretary General for Syariah Economic Society (MES) since 2021.
He is also active in Syariah financial industry and has been well known as the pioneer of Syariah fixed income (Sukuk) in Indonesia through the issuance of Obligasi Syariah Indosat Mudharabah in 2002. He also assisted Ministry of Finance during the issuance of the first Sukuk in Indonesia.
Qualifications: ASPM, Bachelor of Finance Management from Faculty of Economy at University of Indonesia, MBA & Global Leadership Executive MBA (dual degree, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) & Aalto University Finlandia).